Month: March 2016

Message for the Masses – March 21, 2016


The Heirophant stands before us with Socratic inquiry. Who are you now that the protective covers of your wounds have been peeled away?

Rawness and vulnerability have ruled our view through this elliptical period of morphing rebirth. We begin to see how those wounds have historically informed our beliefs and ideas, particularly around how we relate to others; Perhaps allowing for the courage to surrender and make amends. The Heirophant assures us of the design of this metamorphosis, and leads us into a time of burgeoning clarity.

This week offers us that moment just before we charge. We are infused with a jolt of awareness. A rush of surety allowing us to leap forward in ways we may not have dreamed possible even mere months ago.

Wednesday’s Lunar Eclipse in Libra ushers us through the last portal of awakening in this eclipse season. Light bulbs flash in spectacular visions that demand to be taken seriously. We have the spirit of the warrior in our bellies now as we hear the call to action.

Did you catch the scent of the changing winds? They are at your back now, compelling you forward.

If there is desire for someone to be at your side as you charge ahead, tell them…now. If you are realizing ways that your wounds informed your story, rewrite it…now. If there is a road block that you created because of those wounds, destroy it…now. We are called to move forward with clean intentions, fit for the divine beings that we are.

May we capture flashes of clarity and transform them into action with a new found flare.


**card image from The Babylonian Tarot

Message for the Masses – Week of March 7, 2016


Our week begins on the eve of the Solar Eclipse in Pisces, no wonder the spirits greet us with the exploding Tower. Bubbles are bursting left and right in our general reality, and we are no longer allowed the luxury of illusion.

These times of sudden change understandably incite fear in our hearts, and beckon us to believe the fear as truth. What an injustice this does to our spirits, as fear leads us nowhere but deeper into delusion. We are called to push through the fear and sit, wide eyed, inside this uncomfortable gift, and allow the new sight.

These jolts are offered as promotions to the next level. We are graduating tomorrow. Deception no longer has a hall pass. The uncomfortable truth is mutating into a blessing that allows us to see our true path. The more sever the blast, the deeper the blessing. This compression breeds diamonds, and in the coming months we will wear them with honor if we stand strong, and don’t allow ourselves to be buried in the rubble.

The key to weathering this week is attitude alignment. If we welcome ourselves as victims, or rage against the crashing current, sure destruction awaits. If we surrender in solid strength, and allow the current to deliver us to the shores of perception, treasure awaits our weary souls.

Mutation can be painful, and this week could add salt to that gore. Our hearts are cracking wide to receive the light of the Sun, and that is rarely comfortable. New versions are birthing, and reason doesn’t pay the bills in this new order. As we struggle to grasp what is actually happening, rest assured that no matter what the circumstance it undoubtedly supports a process of evolution.

The best approach is to mimic the creation. Spill your guts out on the page, the canvas, the dance floor, through the eye of your lens. Release the expression and the light will come. Our journey through the night will eventually wane, and the dawn will bring us sober completion.

May we ride the river of darkness with grace, and allow our hearts to crack as wide as the ocean.


**image from Stella Tarot